Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Figure Painting

These are some of the paintings I've done for my figure painting class. I'm learning to paint with oils and these paintings reflect that process. I honestly don't know why I look so pissed in both of my portraits I think it's because I'm concentrating and getting frustrated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Erie Graveyard (Photos)

These are some photos I took for an art project about Identity. I eventually cut them together as a short film that I'm working on posting as well.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Return of the Good Times


The original is in the post below. This is the re-cut with the alternate soundtrack, they just wouldn't fit on the same post.

The Good Times

This a short film I made as part of a vague assignment about the passage of time. My idea was to capture the progression of a night out, inspired by first-person experiences such as The Prodigy's music video for Smack My Bitch Up. The original version is edited to Modest Mouse's The Good Times Are Killing Me to create happiness but also a little melancholy and to play to my audience of college students. However, for my own fun I re-scored the film with a version of John Williams score for Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The second is easily my favorite of the two.

Alternative process/materials

This is the my first project for my alt processes/materials class. I created a stencil and went into unoccupied classrooms and left my work on the chalkboards. Subsequently they were all erased unceremoniously.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Figure Drawing

Hey, I 'm new to the blogging game so things are going to be pretty basic for a while. These are a few projects and sketches from my figure drawing class completed in a few different mediums.